Professionals Share Their Experiences Joining Together in Union

I feel like we’re more apt to talk to one another more openly about issues we’re having on productions or reach out to one another for help.
— Dan Pinto, storyboard artist and International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) member
The union to me represents that [working toward a common goal] because we’re working towards better benefits and representing constituents where our voice matters. Just being part of the process, the decision making process, is why I became an active member.
— Eve Ronceros, FAA employee and Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS) member

One of the biggest things is that we got [with our union] everybody paid family and medical leave.
— Emily Miller, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh librarian and United Steelworkers (USW) member
The union connects us and so we meet more people who are doing the same thing we’re doing.
— Raz Golden, associate director and Stage Directors and Choreographers Society (SDC) member

We, like the workers, we’re the union. And I learned that if we succeeded we’d be able to negotiate as equals with the administration and senior management.
— Kate Roche, nurse educator and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) member
The union is the reason why I’m so close to many of my coworkers.
— Fiona Pestana, Crooked Media employee and Writers Guild of America East (WGAE) member