DPE Applauds White House Task Force on Worker Organizing Report


Katie Barrows
Communications Director
P: 202-549-5991

WASHINGTON, Feb. 8, 2022 - Yesterday, the ​​White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment released a report with policy recommendations to promote workers’ rights. The Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE) President Jennifer Dorning put out the following statement in response to the task force’s report:

“We are proud to have an administration in the White House that values worker organizing and collective bargaining. As the task force makes clear, stronger unions help create a healthier, more equitable economy. This report recognizes the federal government’s ability to use its roles as an employer, executor of law, and consumer to promote and support union membership in every industry, from the arts to veterinary medicine. We look forward to working with the task force as it implements the recommendations put forth in this report and develops additional recommended executive actions.

Addressing the challenges associated with organizing a union, including lack of awareness about workplace rights and enforcement of existing labor law, will help more professionals to join together in union - an action we know a majority of Americans would support. Last year, professionals in media, tech, nonprofit, and other sectors formed new unions despite facing many unnecessary obstacles during the organizing process.

Even as the ranks of union professionals grow, the reality is that our outdated labor laws make forming a union more difficult than it should be. That’s why, in addition to the important work of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, Congress must pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.”

About DPE

The Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE) is a coalition of 24 unions representing over four million professional and technical union members. DPE affiliate unions represent professionals in over 300 occupations in education and healthcare; science, engineering, and technology; legal, business, and management; media, entertainment, and the arts; and public administration.

Press ReleaseKatie Barrows