Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO

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Growing Your Union: Engaging Professionals Through New Hire Orientation

DPE’s Growing Your Union: Engaging Professionals Through New Hire Orientation is a guide to assist DPE affiliated unions develop their own new hire orientation programs. The guide aims to help DPE affiliates increasing their member sign-ups among new hires.

Growing Your Union: Engaging Professionals Through New Hire Orientation overviews a successful new hire orientation program and provides step-by-step instructions on how union leaders and staff can create or enhance their own orientation program.

Growing Your Union was developed specifically for organizing professional employees. The guide draws upon interviews with union leaders and staff responsible for their unions’ orientation programs, observation of existing orientation programs, content analysis of union welcome packets, relevant social science research, and data from DPE’s survey of professionals and their attitudes toward unions.

Research has shown that well done new hire orientation programs increase sign-ups and commitment to the union.

Growing Your Union is available to DPE affiliated unions. Contact us for a copy.